How To Play & Get Better At Valorant | WTFast

Valorant is one of the most competitive first-person shooters right now. With more and more competitive players joining the game, the skill cap of the game is growing at a rapid pace. The game is getting more and more difficult as players get better at the game and perfect their skills. If you want to level up your game in Valorant, here is our take on how to get better at Valorant.

Work On Your Aim

Unlike other first-person shooters like Apex Legends, where fast movements are a big part of the game, Valorant is a game that generally rewards players with good aim. So if you are looking for the best ways how to get better at Valorant, you should start working on your aim. You can try aim trainers for this. Regardless of which method you choose to better your aim, you will certainly need tons of practice. 

Work On Your Crosshair Placement

While you are working on improving your ability to aim, you should also work on improving your crosshair placement. One of the most common mistakes that gamers make is placing their crosshair on the ground. 

If an enemy comes in front of you, you want your aim to already be on their head level and not their feet. The time it takes to move your crosshair from the ground to the enemy's head can decide who wins the fight. 

Learn To Pre-Aim At Common Locations

In all of the maps of Valorant, there are certain locations where most players generally like to hold. For example, in the map Bind, if you are on the attackers' side and are going to Hookah from Blue, as soon as you enter Hookah, there is a high probability that a player will be sitting in the left corner. 

If you know about a common holding spot, you should pre-aim that corner. If there actually is an enemy there, your aim will already be on them, and all you have to do is shoot.

Don't Ignore The Minimap

If you are trying to figure out how to get better at Valorant, then the most important thing you should keep in mind is info. In a game like Valorant, information is everything, and the minimap will provide you with the most amount of information. 

The minimap will show you the location of your teammates and the last seen location of the enemies. You can execute your plane with a lot of effectiveness if you know these things, so it is really important that you not ignore the minimap.

Communicate With Your Team

While it is super important to gather information, it is important to provide information as well. Valorant is a team-based game and if you have valuable information about the enemy, you should let your teammates know about that. 

For example, if you hear the sound of the sniper, you should let your teammates know that there may be a sniper holding the corner, so they don't peek and get killed. In a team-based game like Valorant, communication is everything. 

However, there is such a thing as too much communication. You don't need to let your teammates know every little detail about what you are doing in the game. 

Also, shouting out loud "HE IS RIGHT THERE" in the team voice chat after you get killed, is not going to help anyone. So make sure that you only provide your teammates with precise, accurate, and important pieces of information.

Don't Play Aggressively

What's the point of rushing towards the enemy team, easily getting killed by them, and then spectating the whole round. Well, there is no point in that. 

You are a valuable asset to your team, and if you play aggressively all the time, you aren't doing much for the team. You don't even get to use your abilities. It is way better to just play the game mindfully and strategically.

Stick To A Few Agents

You won't get into a grove if you keep on switching agents. If you are trying to find out how to get better at Valorant, the first thing that you should do is stop switching from one agent to another. 

It is best that you choose one main agent and two other secondary agents if your main agent gets taken, and then practice with them for about two or so weeks. If you feel that you need to switch agents, only do it after using one for about two or so weeks. 

Learn From The Pros

If you are trying to learn how to get better at Valorant, what better way is there than to learn from the pros. Professional eSports players have dedicated their lives to perfecting their gaming skills and figuring out all the best tips and tricks of the game. Watch a live tournament or any professional match for Valorant and see how the professional players play the game. Learn what they do and try to figure out what's going on in their head. 

You can also pick a favorite player from a professional team and then watch them stream on YouTube or Twitch. They might be more laid back while streaming, but you will definitely learn some important tips and tricks. 

Watch Your Replay

What is a better teacher than a professional player? Well, that would be your own mistakes that you make during matches. To learn from them, you can simply record your gameplay and then watch it afterward to see how and why you lost gunfights or couldn't plant the spike. Try to think of how you could have handled the situation better, and then practice implementing this in further matches.

Make Upgrades

If you are trying to figure out how to get better at Valorant, one of the best ways to do that is by making essential upgrades. If you have underperforming hardware that is not optimized for gaming, then your in-game performance will be severely limited. 

For example, if you are trying to play Valorant on an old laptop that can't even deliver 60 FPS, with a simple office mouse and no mousepad, you will be at a severe disadvantage. 

One of the most beneficial upgrades that you can make to your gaming setup is getting a gaming mouse and a mouse pad. Both these things don't cost a lot and provide you with the most amount of improvement in your in-game performance. 

However, if you are not able to get over 60 FPS, you will have to either spend some cash and get better hardware or lower your resolution from 1080p to 720p.

Practice and Stay Consistent

At the end of the day, nothing will ever replace practice. If you are looking for tips and tricks on how to get better at Valorant, no matter how many tips and tricks you learn about, you won't make any progress if you don't practice. You have to put in the hours like everyone else, so you can get some practice in. 

Some competitive players have been reported to have spent several thousand hours on Valorant to make improvements. Stay consistent and clock in several hundred hours, and you will see the results for yourselves.

Get Rid Of Network Issues

Just like hardware limitations, if you are facing any kind of network-related issues you should try to resolve them as they may limit your in-game performance. Some of the most common network-related issues include lag, ping spikes, rubberbanding, and packet loss. In severe cases, these issues can make the game completely unplayable.


While it is necessary to remove network-related issues, achieving that is not always a walk in the park. There are tons of potential sources that may be the cause of the issue that you are facing and there are even more potential fixes for them, with none of them guaranteeing to fix the issue. Not every one of us has enough free time to test out each fix to see if it works. 

What if we were to tell you that you can fix all network-related issues with the press of just a single button. That’s exactly what WTFast is. It is a one-stop solution to all network-related issues like lag, ping spikes, packet loss, and rubberbanding. 

WTFast is a gamer’s private network that works by switching your network connection onto a network that is much more stable. This means that you will no longer have to deal with network instability issues like rubberbanding, ping spikes, or packet loss. To provide a network with the least latency possible, WTFast chooses the network based on your physical location. This helps eliminate issues like high ping and lag.

If you are dealing with network-related issues like lag and rubberbanding and are trying to figure out how to get better at Valorant, you should definitely give WTFast a try. Try WTFast today for an unmatched lag-free gaming experience.


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