Valorant Announces Chamber: Here's What to Expect

Valorant is a game that rewards players with good aim. You can't rank up to Diamond, Immortal, or Radiant in Valorant without having good aim. However, Valorant is not all about great aim. Valorant also rewards players who are able to use the abilities of the Agents most effectively. This is because Valorant is designed to be a hero-based game where players can choose different in-game characters, called Agents, according to their abilities and what suits them.

Valorant just revealed that a new Agent is coming to the game. The new Agent, Chamber, has a fairly unique combination of abilities. Here we will discuss how the new Agent will play out and change the Meta of the game.

Chamber’s Abilities

Whenever a new character, weapon, or any other thing along those lines is announced for a game, players get super excited about how it will change the game and how they can use it to gain a competitive advantage. With the announcement of the new Agent Chamber for Valorant, players are eager to know how powerful or viable he will be. Here are his is a breakdown and explanation of his abilities.


The trademark ability allows Chamber to place traps on the map. As an unsuspecting player walks in the range of the trap it gets activated. Upon activation, the trap slows down all enemies that are in range, similar to how Sage's slow orb works.

This ability does not seem game-breaking by any means. While defending, this ability can be used to slow down an incoming rush by the enemies. The Trademark ability may also prove to be useful when used on flank routes. This will give the attackers or defenders important information and will also delay a potential flank.


With the Headhunter ability, Chamber takes out his revolver that has a built-in scope. From the gameplay reveal trailer, it seems that this scope may provide a 2x or maybe a 3x magnification. While it is great to have an ability that allows you to damage the opponents, this ability will rely heavily on the player's ability to aim. Judging by the gameplay reveal trailer, this revolver may prove to be deadly in the hands of players with god-like aim.


The Rendezvous ability allows Chamber to teleport practically anywhere on the map. However, Chamber needs to have been at the location if he needs to teleport there. This is because, unlike other teleport abilities in the game, Chamber can only teleport on a location where he has placed one of his anchors. Chamber must place two anchors, and whenever he is near one of them, he can instantly teleport to the other one.

Some players are speculating that this ability may be used with an aggressive playstyle. However, we don't think it will be best suited for passive playstyles. Imagine you are flanking the enemy and managed to get a kill. You can instantly fall back to your teammates after getting the kill.

In our opinion, the Rendezvous ability will best be used for site rotation. Let's suppose you are at the A site looking for enemies. Your team gives you the call out that the enemy is rushing at B, and they need you. You can instantly get back to the B site and assist your teammates. When played like this, this may prove to be a game-changing ability.

Tour De Force

The Tour De Force allows the Chamber to equip a powerful custom sniper rifle. This sniper is a one-hit-kill weapon. Once you get a kill with this weapon, a certain area will deform and start to slow down all enemies within it.

This ability may make Chamber super powerful and a popular pick. This is because the sniper is basically an AWP, which is the most powerful and game-changing weapon in the game.

Chamber’s Appearance

Players not only care about their abilities, but they also like to see their favorite characters look great. With Chamber, it seems that the designers have nailed it when it comes to appearance.

The simplest way to describe the appearance of Chamber is James Bond meets John Wick. Chamber looks super clean and dapper. From the Agent reveal trailer, it was also confirmed that Chamber is from France, and it perfectly resonates with his style and appearance.

From what we know so far, it seems that Chamber will be a great agent for players with good aim. It also looks like his trap and revolver abilities are perfectly balanced. However, the teleport and sniper ability may change the meta and make Chamber a necessary pick. These are, however, just speculations as to how the new Agent will play out. To see how Chamber actually affects the game, we will have to wait until he officially comes to the game.


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