Top 5 Agents in Valorant Right Now

In any game where you have several characters, or in our case agents, that have different abilities with different advantages, some of these characters will always be better or worse than others. There is no doubt that Valorant has made the agents incredibly balanced. Still, some agents are a better pick than others.

The Best Valorant Agents

Taking into account the recent changes that came with the 3.05 Patch, here are our top 5 picks for agents in Valorant.


Jett is one of the best, if not the best, agents in Valorant as of now. Her abilities and the versatility that they offer make Jett one of the best fraggers in the game. Her smoke bombs are instantaneous hence, she can block a line of sight in the middle of a fight with the blink of an eye. Her dash and updraft abilities allow her to quickly enter a bombsite with an incredibly low risk of getting shot. Her dash ability is so fast that an enemy holding an angle can't react fast enough to shoot her.



Although Sova is a hard to master agent, his info-gathering abilities make him one of the most necessary agents in a team. With his "Owl Drone" ability, he can deploy a drone and control it in enemy territory, revealing tons of info. His "Recon Bolt" ability allows him to shoot an arrow over buildings that reveals enemy locations upon landing. His ultimate ability shoots energy blasts that can travel through buildings and walls of the entire map and damage enemy players.


Skye's abilities allow her to be very aggressive when taking enemy-occupied space. Firstly "Guiding Light" ability is great for gathering info or getting frags. With this ability, Skye sends out a bird that can flash the enemy. If the enemy shoots the bird, you will know their location and be ready to pre-fire and, if an enemy turns around to avoid the flash, you can push and shoot them in the back. If you don't use any of these two tricks, you can flash and blind the enemy. Her tiger ability also helps with gathering info about enemy locations. The best part is that Skye can heal teammates as well.


Maps with large bombsites and tons of angles that defenders can hold that bombsite from are very difficult for attackers to clear and push. This is where Viper shines the most and becomes a must-have agent in a team. Viper's "Toxic Screen" ability creates a tall and long wall that blocks almost all lines of sight in a bombsite. Viper is also deadly when it comes to post-plant fights. Viper's ultimate ability allows her to create a giant cloud of toxic gas through which enemies can't see. As an enemy enters this cloud, they will start taking damage and start getting outlined for Viper.


Sage is one of those agents that can completely change the meta of a match. No one can shoot or get through her wall unless someone breaks it by shooting tons of bullets at it. This is very helpful when you need to completely block enemy rotations or flanks. Her ultimate can revive dead teammates and she can also heal them.

Final Words

Valorant is consistently improving and the developers regularly release patches to make the game as balanced as possible. These patches may include changes that drastically change the meta of the game. Even slight changes to the stats of agents’ can sometimes lower the ranking of an Agent from one of the best to average. Hence, we recommend that you keep in mind that future patches might cause some of the agents in this list to be not as good.


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