Overwatch 2 - Best Heroes to Play in Season 2

Overwatch 2 Season 2 is here, and with Season 2 comes exciting new changes. Many of these changes are in the form of buffs and nerfs to all the heroes. Because of that, Overwatch players are now wondering what heroes they should pick for Season 2.

If you want to know what heroes you should pick in Overwatch 2 for Season 2, you are at the right place. Here is our extensive take on the best heroes to pick an Overwatch 2 for Season 2.


First up, we have the tank class. Here are our top picks for the best tanks to play in Overwatch 2 for Season 2.


Roadhog has consistently been one of the most picked heroes in Overwatch since Overwatch 1. Roadhog is also amongst the best tank hero to play in Overwatch 2 for Season 2. Since there were zero nerfs to Roadhog this Season, Roadhog becomes a clear winner, given all his great stats and abilities.

Roadhog's Chain Hook ability is extremely powerful. If you can get a hook on any of the support or DPS heroes from the enemy team, that will be an easy kill for you. Roadhog's Scrap Gun has an insane amount of damage at close range, and any other class besides tank heroes won't be able to survive one or two shots from it.


Up next, we have Orisa. Many people expected Junker Queen to perform great this season, and you might also be wondering why isn't she on the list because of all the buffs she got this season. However, according to our in-game testing, Orisa is currently in a much better state than Junker Queen.

That's not to say that Junker Queen is not a great pick. It's just that Orisa manages to perform much better as a tank. Not only is Orisa a great tank hero, but she is also one of the most effective counters for Roadhog. Because of all her abilities, she doesn't have to worry about getting killed by a Roadhog.


Up next, we have the support class. Here are our top picks for the best support heroes you should consider in Overwatch 2 for Season 2.


Probably one of the best support heroes in Overwatch 2 right now is Kiriko. One of the main problems tanks are facing in Overwatch 2 right now is Ana's anti-nade. If you notice that tanks on your team are constantly dying because of Ana's anti-nade, you should switch to Kiriko. 

Kiriko has one of the best kits as compared to all other supports in Overwatch 2. Her Protection Suzu not only prevents Ana's anti-nade, but it also prevents other enemy abilities like Earthshatter, Sleep Dart, and Blizzard. 

All in all, Kiriko is a great support hero to pick in Overwatch 2 for Season 2. However, Kiriko is not one of the easiest heroes to play in Overwatch 2. You will need to spend some time on practice.


Roadhog is one of the most picked tank heroes in Overwatch 2. He is also one of the most powerful tank heroes. Since Anna is one of the few counters for roadhog, she is one of the best options as a support hero for you if you want to win more matches.

As we have already mentioned, one of the most powerful things in the game right now is Ana's anti-nade. A well-placed anti-nade from Anna can shift the entire match in your favor. On top of that, she also has the Sleep Dart ability, which is insanely effective against many ultimate abilities if used right.


Finally, we have the DPS class. It is probably one of the most popular classes to play in Overwatch 2. Here are our picks for the best DPS hero you should try out in Overwatch 2 for Season 2.


Similar to Roadhog, Reaper has consistently been one of the most popular options in Overwatch since Overwatch 1. Reaper remains one of the best DPS heroes you can pick in Overwatch 2 for Season 2. Regardless of your playstyle, you will win more matches if you pick Reaper.

While playing Reaper in Overwatch 2, all you have to do is try to get close to one of the squishiest heroes in the enemy team, fire a few rounds at them, and then use the Wraith Form ability to get out of the area. If you have somewhat decent aim, you'll manage to get a lot of kills this way. Just make sure you avoid tanks and long-range fights.


Reaper is not that effective against enemy tanks. However, if you want a DPS hero and still be effective against enemy tank heroes, Junkrat is probably one of your best options. 

With that said, you need to get some practice with Junkrat if you want to land accurate shots using his primary projectile weapon. Fortunately, that's not a big problem because Junkrat's primary weapon is one of the most spammable weapons in the game.

To play Junkrat effectively, figure out the choke points and then spam your primary weapon at that spot. You are bound to get some kills. By doing this, you will also learn how to use the weapon.


Now you know what the best heroes for Overwatch 2 in Season 2 are. However, this list is not the be-all and end-all. These are just recommendations based on our in-game testing. Your playstyle might differ from ours, and you might prefer to play with certain heroes you have been playing since Overwatch 1. 

You don't need to stop playing with a particular hero only because it is not on this list. Regardless, these are some of the best heroes in Overwatch 2 right now, so you should try playing with them. Try one of them out and see if they help improve your win rate.


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