How To Play & Get Better At Apex Legends

Apex Legends is one of the most fast-paced first-person shooters out there. It is also one of the most competitive games out there. The skill cap of the game is constantly growing, and players are regularly finding ways to get better at the game. If you have been playing Apex Legends for a while now, you might have been noticing that the game is getting harder and harder. It is simply because other players are getting better and better. Here is our complete guide on how to get better at Apex Legends. 

Optimize Your Gaming Setup

The first thing you should do while figuring out how to get better at Apex Legends is to optimize your gaming setup. Gamers quite often play competitive video games on an un-optimized setup which may include a small space to move the mouse, no mousepads, and a simple non-gaming mouse. 

All these things will limit your in-game performance to a great extent. You won't be able to perform at your max potential on an un-optimized gaming setup. Here are some of the most common ways that you can optimize your gaming setup for in-game performance. 

Get A Gaming Mouse

While it will only help you in improving your in-game performance if you spend money on the best gaming peripherals that manufacturers have to offer, it is not wise to start buying tons of gaming peripherals. Also, not all gamers have tons of cash to spend on expensive gaming equipment. 

However, a gaming mouse is one of the most essential pieces of gaming equipment that any gamer must have if they want to improve their in-game performance. The good thing is that you can easily find a decent gaming mouse for around 50 USD. If you wish to spend even less than that, then you can also find gaming mice for as low as 20 USD. Not only that, but a gaming mouse will provide a massive improvement in your in-game performance. If you are trying to figure out how to get better at Apex Legends, the first thing that you should do is get a gaming mouse. 

Get A Mouse Pad

A gaming mouse without a decent mousepad is like a race car with the tires of a Prius. The gaming mouse will not be able to perform at its max potential without a mousepad. The drop in performance while gaming without a mousepad is way too significant. So you must get a gaming mousepad if you want to improve your in-game performance in Apex Legends. The good part is that getting a mouse pad won't break the bank. You can get a really good mousepad for under 20 USD.

Clear Space For Your Mouse

When it comes to first-person shooters like Apex Legends, you may consider using a low sensitivity. Because of this, you will need a lot of space where you can move your mouse. Even if you don't choose to play Apex Legends on low sensitivity, you will benefit from more space, where you can make those 360 or 180 flicks. So if you want to get better at Apex Legends, make sure you have enough room to use your mouse freely. 

Make Essential Upgrades

We have already mentioned that there is no need to spend tons of cash and buy tons of gaming equipment. However, if you have a gaming PC that can not push out enough framerate for Apex Legends, you will need to make some upgrades. For competitive first-person shooters, you should aim for about 140 FPS. If this means that you will have to make an upgrade, then sadly you will have to do so. If you don't, your in-game performance will be seriously limited because of the low framerate. 

Optimize Your Graphics and Resolution

If the framerate that you are getting in Apex Legends is off by only 10 or so FPS from 140, then you don't need to make any upgrades to get a framerate of over 140 FPS. You can play around with the graphics settings a bit and lower some of them. This way the resources of your computer will shift to providing more framerate instead of rendering the demanding graphics. 

If you have an old laptop and do not want to make any upgrades, you can try lowering the resolution from 1080p to 720p. Doing this will provide you with a massive boost in the framerate while playing Apex Legends.

Get A Squad

Apex Legends is a team-based game. You can only do so much if you play as a solo player. If you are a platinum-level player, you may be able to take on two or even three gold-level players. But what happens once you start facing platinum-level players? You need your teammates to back you up, cover you when you are healing, and push towards the enemy alongside you. However, that is not always possible when you solo queue. You need to find two players that are as dedicated to improving as you are. This can include some of your friends or some new friends that you met in a game. Play with your squad so you can improve your teamwork. 

Take More Fights

If you are trying to figure out how to get better at Apex Legends, one of the best ways that you can do so is by taking every fight that you see. Even if it puts you in the worst situation possible, you should not shy away from a fight. This will only train you to think fast in unfavorable situations. However, this is not a great strategy for winning more games. So you should not be doing this in ranked games. You should take more fights only in casual games so you don't lose your rank.

Tips For Winning More Games In Apex Legends

Here are some tips for winning more games in Apex Legends. These tips have been carefully selected and tested out by ourselves to see how effective they are. 

Choose a Better Landing Spot

Make sure that you are not always landing in the middle of a fight. While it is a great strategy for practicing fights, it is not a great one for getting more wins. You are better off landing near locations where other teams have landed, and only take fights once you have decent loot.

Switch Armor While Fighting

If you are in the middle of a 1v1 or a 1v2, or even a 1v3, you won’t get enough time to use a shield battery or a shield cell. However, there is a high probability that there will be tons of death boxes laying around where you are fighting. If you can make the enemy fall back for just a second, that is just enough time for you to check the death boxes and pick up their armor, which will usually have max health.

Switching Weapons Is Always Faster Than Reloading

Just like with shields, you won't get time to reload your weapon in the middle of a fight. The better way to deal with an empty weapon is to just switch to your secondary. So you should always keep a good secondary weapon, in case you run out of ammo for the primary weapon. 

Always Keep Grenades

Most low-rank players ignore them but grenades can sometimes determine the outcome of the fight. If each of your teammates, including you, have two or three grenades, you can just spam them near the general direction of the enemy. At least one of them will deal enough damage and will allow you to make the first push toward the enemy.

Get WTFast

Just like hardware and framerate limitations, network limitations can also hinder your in-game performance. If you are looking for tips on how to get better at Apex Legends, then one of the most important things that you should make sure of is that there are no network-related issues in your gaming setup. This includes lag, high ping, ping spikes, rubberbanding, and packet loss. All of these things may even cause the game to be completely unplayable. 

To fix a network-related issue, you will have to first figure out what is causing the issue. Then you will have to scour the internet to find a potential solution after trying out tens or even hundreds of them. 

The thing is, not everyone has tons of free time to test out several fixes with none of them having a guarantee of fixing the issue. This is where WTFast comes in. WTFast is an all-in-one solution to all kinds of network-related issues. WTFast is a gamers' private network that lowers the ping and lag and eliminates rubberbanding, packet loss, and ping spikes with the press of a button. WTFast works by switching your connection onto a network that is much more stable and optimized for the flow of game data.  For a lag-free gaming experience that helps you get better at Apex Legends, try WTFast today.

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