Fortnite Tips – How to Get Better at Fortnite

Fortnite took over the battle royale gaming scene by storm. The fresh concept of building mechanics and a fun visual style grabbed the attention of many battle royale players. Now Fortnite has become one of the most streamed games and has created a massive esports scene around it with several large-scale tournaments taking place over the years.

Needless to say, many people play Fortnite competitively and would like to get better at it. Everyone likes to get that "dub" and here are some tips that would increase your chances.



Before we give you actual tips that you can apply during a match, we must tell you the importance of good gaming hardware. You might have the potential to become a great player at Fortnite and get many wins but you must make sure that you are not held back from bad hardware or a bad network.

Hardware Upgrades

The most important thing that gamers generally focus on while playing any game is the FPS they are getting and one of the easiest but costly ways to achieve high FPS is to get better hardware. A better processor or a better graphics card will be a worthwhile investment when it comes to improving your in-game performance. You can also lower your graphics for better FPS.

Peripheral Upgrades

Getting a new GPU or Processer is very expensive. You can see a massive improvement in your in-game performance by spending less and getting some gaming peripherals. A gaming mouse, a gaming mouse pad, or a gaming headset will most likely give you an advantage over players who don't have them and, they don't cost as much as a new processor or GPU.


Gaming Monitor

Along with getting high FPS, you can also benefit from a high refresh rate gaming monitor. Gaming monitors come with features such as G-Sync, FreeSync, low response time, motion blur reduction technologies that can help get smoother and crisper gameplay with the least amount of distracting elements like ghosting or motion blur.

Network Upgrades

The next most important thing that competitive gamers focus on, after high FPS, is getting the most stable latency and the lowest possible latency possible. It is because a high and unstable latency can cause problems such as rubberbanding and jittery gameplay. To achieve low and stable latency, you can try switching from a wireless connection to a wired connection. You can also try getting a gaming router.

One of the easiest things you can do to get a stable latency is to use a Gamer's Private Network (GPN), like WTFast, that reroutes your network for the most optimal latency.

Tweak Your Sensitivity

After you have done all the hardware upgrades you can do, lowered the graphics settings for maximum FPS, and made sure that you are getting the best latency possible, the next step, if you are a PC gamer, is to configure your sensitivity. Sensitivity depends heavily upon your playstyle and personal preference. If you like to play up close with rapid aim transitions, you will probably benefit from a high sensitivity. If you like to play snipers and mostly have long-range engagements you should try a lower sensitivity. That being said, there is no exactly one perfect sensitivity. You should use trial and error to figure what sensitivity works for you and we recommend sticking to one sensitivity for at least a week before switching on to the next one.

Playstyle Tips:

Here are the playstyle tips and changes that you can apply in the game:

  • Building: Building is the bread and butter of Fortnite. It is the feature that got people into the game in the first place and, if you don't know the basics of building, you will not be able to succeed in Fortnite. You must learn the basics of building in Fortnite like building towers, speed editing, etc. Practice in offline modes and try to get faster and better at building.

  • Landing: To get that "dub", you need to know the best places to land and how not to die instantly after landing on these locations. If you see tons of people landing in the area that you are planning to land in, there is likely going to be a chaotic fight and it is a good idea to wait it out keeping distance and get the best loot that you can find.

  • Get Cover: It is quite often that players are seen running willy nilly in the open. It doesn't take long before these players are shot by a sniper or ambushed by a squad. You should always be near to cover where possible.

  • The Storm is Coming: While you are busy looting after an intense fight or you are in the middle of one, it is easy to forget about the storm. When you are running from the storm you are an easy target for players that are already in the safe zone. Hence, you should always beware of the storm.

  • Close the Dam Door: When you enter a house to loot and leave the door open, good players will know that you have been there, and seeing all the open doors you left behind they will have a good idea of where you are so we recommend that you always close doors after you enter a house.

  • Did You Hear That: Professional players rely heavily on sound while playing Fortnite and you should too. Footsteps and other sounds are a big part of the game and, you should use them to your advantage whenever you can

  • Stay Very Quiet: If you can hear your enemies, they can hear you too. You must give off as little sound as possible. You can do this by either moving less or staying crouched while moving to be extra sneaky.

  • Hold Your Horses: Some players are too aggressive and want to take every fight they see and these are the players that are usually third partied. Don’t get us wrong, it’s not bad to get into almost every fight you see if you want to get better at winning fights, it’s just not the best strategy if you want to get the victory royale.


Getting better at Fortnite can be a daunting task for new players and even for long-time players. You don't need to stress too much about it. All you need to do is practice and you surely get better at it. It might take some time, even weeks to see results but in the end, it will all be worth


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