Dota 2: Top 5 Carries In Patch 7.30

The latest patch for Dota 2 is now live. Patch 7.30 was released on the 20th of September, 2021 and, it came with several changes to the game.

As soon as a new update or patch rolls out for a game, and adds changes to the characters, players start trying to figure out which character to play as. Dota 2 is no exception for this. Here are the 5 most powerful carries in Dota to post-patch 7.30.


Whenever Dota 2 gets an update or a patch, Lycan is a hero that receives some of the largest changes. These changes either make him an average carry or make him very powerful. With patch 7.30, it seems that he is going to fall in the borderline broke category.

Lycan was great before patch 7.29 but got weaker after it as Necronomicon was removed. With the current patch, Helm of The Overlord got a rework in turn, Lycan can now get super strong summons which makes him a must-pick.

Phantom Lancer


Phantom Lancer is very effective in chasing down range heroes and killing them. His abilities and high amount of mobility allow him to be almost un-killable for range heroes. This massive advantage that Phantom Lancer possess over range heroes makes him one of the most popular carries in the game.

Phantom Lancer is also very effective at farming in the lane. This is because his power spike is level 6. We strongly suggest you consider Phantom Lancer as your carry.

Monkey King

In the 7.00 days of Dota 2, Monkey King was a no-brainer pick when it came to carry heroes. However, until this current patch, Monkey King remained in a kind of limbo state. In other words, his spot on the tier list was constantly fluctuating.

With the 7.30 patch, Monkey King gets some game-changing buffs. Firstly his Tree Dance is a lot better and secondly, he got a massive buff to the early levels of his Jingu Mastery.



With the 7.30 patch, Slark received a massive buff that pushed him way up the tier list. This buff is the reduction of the self-damage from 50% to 30%. With this change, Slark's Dark Pact ability now becomes much more reliable. What is even better is that there are no changes to damage and mana cost.

Dark Pact is Slark's first ability and, getting a buff for it makes him very effective early game. We can confidently recommend Slark as one of the strongest carries right now.



Sven did not get any direct buffs in with this 7.30 patch. However, he is a strong pick as a carry hero. His ability to quickly farm and acquire almost all the necessary items very early is what makes him so powerful.

The changes to "Silver Edge" are massively favorable to Sven. These changes make Sven a ridiculously powerful carry.

Final Words

We stand by our recommendations. However, keep in mind that Dota 2 is a game that constantly evolves with regular patches and updates. Hence, a new patch or update might kick a hero out of this list and add a new one. That said, stay tuned as we are going to bringing you a refreshed guide of the best carries in Dota 2 as soon as Valve releases a new update for the game. Until then, hit us up on our socials and let us know what you think of the current meta in Dota 2.


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