Valorant Competitive Guide 2022

Valorant is by far the most popular strategic shooter on the market right now, competing in popularity with games like CSGO and Rainbow Six Siege. It's a well-designed and entertaining game with regular content updates and a highly competitive environment. Valorant, like any number of multiplayer games available, allows players to play in a casual mode, but its competitive ranked mode is where you'll be spending considerable time.

Valorant has a multitude of Agents, weapons, maps, and abilities. This may be overwhelming for new players who need to learn a lot of fundamentals to improve their game. Players can easily excel in competitive stages if they follow proper guidelines.

The Ranking System

Valorant's ranking system currently has nine tiers of ranks, beginning with Iron and ending with Radiant. Except for Radiant, each Valorant rank tier has three sub-ranks, with rank one being the lowest and rank three being the highest. If Unranked is excluded, there are 25 Valorant ranks in Riot Games' tactical shooter.

To gain access to Valorant's competitive modes, you must first reach account level 20. This should give players enough time to become acquainted with a few agents, learn the maps, and master some gameplay mechanics. When you play a competitive game, you earn Rank Rating points. You earn RR points by winning competitions and performing well in matches, particularly in lower tiers.

Competitive Guidelines

The ranked system in Valorant is a punishing yet rewarding experience. There are numerous mistakes that newcomers to the game can make that can cost them countless matches and eventually their rank. There are numerous ways to immediately improve your play both inside and outside of the game. Here are some pointers on how to improve your climbing at Valorant.

Warming Up

Setting up a warm-up routine is critical to your VALORANT progress. For starters, it allows you to practice and fine-tune your aim before entering a ranked match. You will most likely struggle in your first few aim duels if you come in without warming up. This will inevitably put you in a bad frame of mind to continue climbing. A thorough warm-up will ensure that you enter the game with the most effective preparation.

There are many ways through which players could warm up. One of them includes is playing different game modes Valorant offers. This includes “Deathmatch” as well as “Spike Rush”. Software such as “Aim Labs” and “Kovacks” offer similar experiences with multiple drills which can be practiced before going into a competitive match.

Being a Team Player    

Having a proper team before going into competitive matches holds immense importance. This is because it provides you an opportunity to communicate with players. Communication is crucial, with voice communication being the most effective form of teamwork. If your team is cooperating and communicating effectively, you will almost always be in a better position than your opponents.

However, communications with a delicate balance prove to be effective, as, in a competitive game, you should limit your contributions to only relevant information. Even in professional games, 'Flooding' communications is a common issue, as a stream of irrelevant information can be more harmful than helpful. Playing with premade teams results in better communication, making it a more efficient way to climb.

Economy Management

While you can master Valorant mostly on aim and game sense, if you want to take your game to the next level, you'll need to understand how the in-game economy works. If you can manage your money better than the opposing team, you'll have an advantage more often than not.

When out of creds (Valorant's in-game currency), new players may struggle to keep track of their spending. Instead of splurging on unnecessary items, it is critical to purchase guns and abilities that are useful on rounds where you have fewer credits. Having the right weapons according to the current economic situation is vital as it not helps your team but it also provides an edge over your opponents.

It is advisable to stick to a Pistol at the start of the game once you have enough credits to save up for a Vandal/Phantom. The Vandal and Phantom teams can almost always overwhelm the Specter and Bulldog teams. Valorant games consist of many rounds, so players need to understand the importance of managing the economy throughout the game.

Crosshair Selection

Having a good crosshair is as much important as having superior game sense in Valorant. It is an important factor that determines your potential in competitive matches. Having an appropriate crosshair not only helps you while aiming but also makes crosshair placement much more effective leading to well-balanced gameplay.

A conflict between players can often be cleared up in the blink of an eye, so it's critical to keep the crosshairs at the head level as players move around the map. The distance that players must move their crosshairs to get a kill decreases, as does reaction time, giving them a clear advantage.

Valorant is undoubtedly one of the most popular free-to-play multiplayer shooter games available. It has a vibrant community and extremely enjoyable gameplay mechanics. However, as with every other FPS title, Valorant knows how to get competitive, and if you don't keep up, you will surely face a lot of trouble while playing.

Final Words

This is why we have compiled a list of guidelines newcomers could follow in order to get adjusted to the game. It certainly requires a lot of practice and dedication but if you have what it takes reaching the maximum rank wouldn’t be an issue for you.


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