New World Leveling Guide

New World is super popular right now and tons of people are playing the game. But a problem that most new players have to deal with is that players who have been playing since the start are at a very high level. To help you increase your level faster here is a complete guide.

Main Story Quests

If you have been playing New World for a while now, you probably know that there are several different types of quests that you can do. Firstly, there are the main storyline quests. The main storyline quests make up most of the quests of the game. Then you have side story quests. Thirdly, you get access to faction quests after you have pledged to a faction, and lastly, you have town board quests. 

New World leveling guide

However, you should always prefer to complete those quests that are the most efficient in providing you with XP. The quests that are the most efficient are the ones that provide you with the most amount of XP per the time spent in doing them. These are the main quests. So if you want to level up fast, then it is best that you spend as much of your time completing the main story quests as possible.

Don’t Be Underleveled For Main Quests

While the fastest way of leveling up in New World is definitely completing the main story quests, this does not mean that there is no place for the other quests. The side quests or the faction quests are extremely helpful in solving one of the most common mistakes that new players make in New World, which is taking on one of the main quests with a much higher level. 

The main storyline quests in New World have a level recommendation. This tells you what level you should be to effectively take on this quest. Tons of players ignore this and start the quest on a lower level. For example, a player might be at level 20 and start a quest that has a level recommendation of 25. What a lot of players fail to realize is that this actually wastes a lot of time.

If you want to level up as fast as possible, you don't want to be wasting your time doing stuff that won't yield you a lot of XP. But if you take on a quest that has a level recommendation that is more than three levels higher than yours, then you will be doing exactly that. It is because when you take on this kind of quest, you will face enemies that are a lot stronger than you. If you die then a lot of the progress and time will be wasted. So it's better to just spend the time on some side quests or faction quests so you can increase your own level to where you can efficiently take on a quest.

Choosing The Faction Quests

If you are a level that is more than three levels lower than the recommended level for the main quest that you want to do, then you are probably going to do some other quests first so that you can increase your level. If you choose the faction quests, you should make sure that you are choosing the ones that get the most XP for the time that you will be spending.

If you look at the top left, you will 'Daily Bonuses Available'. These are basically daily bonuses that you can activate on any of the faction quests, and the XP that you get from them will be doubled. If you look at the faction quests, you will notice that each one yields a different amount of XP once completed. So if you want to make the most out of your XP bonuses, then you should go for the ones that give you the most XP. This way when the bonus is applied, you get a much larger number than if you went for a quest that has a smaller XP reward.

Resting In A Settlement

What if we were to tell you that you can earn experience, just by resting. That's right, even when you log off from New World, you can still be making some XP. To do this all you have to do is make sure that you log off within a settlement. If you do this you will start to earn a resting experience. When you log back in and do anything, you will be getting more experience.

These are some of the best ways you can use to earn XP fast. We have tried them ourselves and achieved amazing results. However, it should be kept in mind that an update can change this. So watch out for that.


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