League of Legends Guide: How to Play like the Pros

League of Legends was released in 2009. Being a multiplayer online battle arena video game, League of Legends is inherently a very competitive game. To this day, League of Legends manages to attract more than 3 million average daily players. In other words, League of Legends is a very popular game and has a massive culture dedicated to it.

League of Legends is no joke. League of Legends is not for gamers who want to play a casual game and relax. League of Legends is for players who want to invest time in perfecting their skills to get better at the game.  Sure you can try playing it casually, if you do two things will happen. Either you will stop playing the game because you encountered too many sweats, or you will love the game and start becoming competitive.


If you are a competitive gamer, or you tried League of Legends and want to be better at it, you have come to the right place. We have described some of the most effective ways you can get better at League of Legends.

Perfecting Last Hits

One of the most important skills that you need to perfect is getting the last hits on creeps. You probably know what getting last hits on creeps means but for those who just started playing League of Legends, getting last hits on creeps means hitting them at the moment when they have just enough health that they will die from one hit.

Getting last hits will help you accomplish two things. One, you will get a lot of gold this way. You only get gold in League of Legends when you land the finishing strike on a creep or enemy, and winning in League of Legends heavily depends on how much gold you have to spend on items from the shop.

Secondly getting last hits will reduce the chance of unnecessary lane push. When you miss the last hit and hit a creep when it has high health, you will lower its health. As you do this too much the creeps will start to die quickly and your creeps will start pushing further. As your creeps push further the fight between your creeps and the enemy’s creeps will now take place even further in the enemy's territory. Playing too far in the enemy's territory will cause you to be vulnerable to raids and attacks from the enemy team.

Find Your Champion

League of Legends consists of a total of 156 champions that you can choose from. If you have just started the game this number might seem overwhelming and you might stick to one champion that you first randomly selected or your friend told you about. This is not very effective as you won't know which champion best suits your playstyle until you give each of them a try. We recommend trying out all the champions and take your time in trying to find the best champion for you.


League of Legends is a team-based game. You need to play as a team to get the best outcome. Playing with a mindset of a solo player won't work here. In a casual match of COD or Rainbow Six Siege, you might get away with playing solo and carrying the team, but in League of Legends, you can’t do that. Being said, in team-based games, one of the most important skills to utilize is communication. In any team-based game, if you have access to a mic, you should use it.

Communication is necessary but, you need to learn how to communicate effectively. In other words, you don't need to tell the team everything, all you need to tell your team is the important stuff that will help them. Also no need to stress about it if your teammates are not replying to your callouts, they are probably reacting accordingly to all your callouts. An example of a good callout is letting your teammates know what lane you want to play before the match starts, or letting your teammates know if an enemy you were fighting in your lane has now left your lane.

Find the Best Buy

After you have played will all the champions and figured out the perfect champion for your playstyle through trial and error, it is now time to learn about what items to buy. You need to figure out what items best suit the champion that you are playing. You can take the help of in-game guides. There are several templates of items to buy for every champion and you can try several depending on your playstyle.

It is also very important to memorize the pricing of items that you want to buy. If you already have a rough idea of how much the items cost you will know how much gold you need to have before making the trip to the base.

Mini Map and Strategy

Minimap is one of the most overlooked features of the game by new players. Make sure that you check the minimap to know the locations of your teammates and the enemies. This is very important information, especially if your teammates are not communicating. Once you know the locations of your teammates and enemies you will be able to strategize better.


Practice Makes Perfect

All the tips and tricks in the world, all the best strategies, and all the best guides won't do any good in terms of improving your in-game skill if you do not take the time to practice regularly and consistently. If you are competitive and dedicated to improving your skill as a player, you need to put in the hours and, there is no way around it.

All these strategies and guides mentioned above might seem daunting for a beginner but, have no fear as these strategies will generate results. If you give some time at employing these strategies and are consistent you will undoubtedly get better at the game.


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