Gaming Tips and Tricks: How To Become A Better Player

Throughout the years, gaming has become one of the most popular sources of entertainment. Be it playing the game offline, playing the game with friends, playing casually, playing competitively, watching gamers play, or watching exciting tournaments, gaming has taken the entertainment industry by storm. It has a lot to do with the nature of games as well as the ease of access that current technology has provided us. 

The fact that there are hundreds of games with millions of concurrent players, confirms that the gaming industry is booming right now. Gaming is now not just a hobby, it has become a profession for many.

The popularity is also growing at a rapid pace. This suggests that a lot of gamers like to be competitive while playing games. If you too are a gamer who is competitive and would like to improve your skill as a gamer you are at the right place. We have laid down some of the most important tips and tricks that will help you become a better gamer.

Get Better Peripherals and Hardware            

It is not a fun experience for a competitive gamer who has the potential to become very good at a particular game but is being pushed back because of the hardware or peripherals. One of the best things you can do to see a massive improvement in your gameplay and get an advantage over other players in an online game is get the best performing hardware and peripherals.


Getting a new mouse that is designed for gaming is essential if you want to become a better gamer. The most important skill that a gamer has in his arsenal is the ability to move the mouse with precision. Be it first-person shooter games, or a multiplayer online battle arena, being able to move the mouse with great accuracy is key. A gaming mouse will help you aim better and use your crosshair more effectively. This is because gaming mice have a wide range of DPI that you can use from and they also come with a very high polling rate.


Along with getting a gaming mouse you should also get a decent mouse pad and adjust your sensitivity according to your playstyle and preferred game. A good gaming mouse without a good gaming mousepad is like a car with a really powerful engine but tires with less grip. All that power is useless without proper tires that will move the car.


Next in line of importance when it comes to getting new hardware is a high refresh rate monitor. If you are currently using a monitor that has a low refresh rate of let's say 24, then you are missing out on tons of improvements that you could have seen with a better monitor.

Jumping from a cheap 24Hz monitor with 10ms+ response time to a 60Hz monitor with 1ms response time will generate a massive improvement in your in-game performance. This is also true if you jump from 60Hz to 144Hz. High refresh rate monitors help lower the input lag and display a smoother, clearer image.


Some games like CS GO and Rainbow Six Siege heavily rely on a player's ability to hear sounds like footsteps. If you are a competitive player then you must work on hearing footsteps. A person who is capable of hearing footsteps properly will know if an enemy is behind him or in a particular location.

You might have the ability and concentration to hear footsteps but it all would be put to proper use unless you have a headset that plays all the appropriate sounds. Investing in a gaming headset will greatly improve your ability to hear footsteps and cancel out all unnecessary background noise.

Hardware And Network

Getting the best headphones or the best gaming mouse or the most expensive, feature-rich gaming monitor won't help you if you can even run the game. Or if you are playing an online game, what's the use of all that high-performance hardware if you always 200ms+ ping and frequent ping spikes.

Above all other things, there are two major factors that a gamer must be concerned about for improving their in-game performance. These factors are, the FPS that they are getting and the quality of their network connection. You should have hardware that pushes out at least 140+ frames per second even if you have to sacrifice some graphics settings in the process. For a network, you must have a stable connection with below 100ms ping.

Learn From The Pros

If you want to be like the pros, who better to learn from than the pros? Most games these days have either esports teams, popular streamers, or popular YouTubers that make content about the game. The game has to have a decent number of players playing the game for this to happen.

If you want to be better at let's say CS GO or Valorant you should watch how professional teams play during a tournament. Look at the strategies they use, what do they do under intense situations, how they communicate, etc.

If you are a fan of a particular game you will probably be familiar with its esports and will most likely have a favorite team. For games that don't have a large esports scene, you can watch streamers and YouTubers that are very good at the game. Watch them play and learn from their gameplay. Watching popular streamers and YouTubers is also not a bad idea for games that do have a huge esports scene.

Practice Is Key

Lastly, none of these strategies matter if you don't practice. The saying "Practice makes perfect" has tons of merit and, it surely applies to anything that you are trying to get better at. If you want to get better at a particular video game, just play it more often, and play it with alertness. You have to play while keeping in mind the need for improvement at least somewhat consistently. Playing regularly with a casual mindset will also not help in improving your skill as a gamer.

If you want to be better at a particular video game, give it some time, stay motivated and learn from the best. Play with dedication and try your best to get all the competitive advantages you can. It will take some time, weeks, and maybe months but, in the end, you will become a better gamer than you were before.


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