Fix World of Tanks Lag

Lag and ping problems trouble thousands of World of Tanks players around the world. If you are here then you are probably looking for a quick and easy solution to fix your trouble.

If this is the case then you are at the right spot. WTFast is your one-stop solution to all problem lag and network-related. While there are many workarounds and recommendations that you may try, the quick way to solve it would be to try WTFast.

However, alongside using the software, it is recommended that you perform a few other tasks that will help you in getting a much better result for your game.

So how does WTFast help in lowering your ping and reducing World of Tanks lag? To answer this, we will first look at how different types of lags affect the game.

These are just a few examples of how lag affects players in the game. A lot complain about it over the community and there doesn’t seem to be a fixed solution for the problem. Different people try out different things and that’s the reason why one is doubtful as to what workaround has helped in reducing lag.

A few community recommendations for reducing World of Tanks lag is as follows:

Upgrading Your Hardware

The first thing that you can do in hopes of fixing World of Tanks lag is to make sure that your PC is up to the mark. If your computer is not capable enough of handling the game, then most likely your lag is not network related and it is due to FPS issues. Below you will find the recommended specifications required to play the game effectively.

Switching To A Wired Connection

Now that the hardware specifications are out of the way it is now time to check your internet connection. A rule of thumb in this regard is to have a wired connection if possible. We won't jump in too deep to explain but do remember this is something almost every pro player prioritizes for their gaming rig.

Improving The Bandwidth

Next up, you would want to make sure that you have enough bandwidth to handle the packets coming back and forth from the game server. No matter what game you play, if it is online, then there would be a constant sending and receiving of data packets. If your connection isn’t capable of handling large bits of data then that would result in packet loss or jitter of any sort.

Restricting Usage

Now make sure that whenever you are playing, it is only you who is utilizing the bandwidth and not anyone else in the house. Reverting to what has been said above, if you won’t have enough bandwidth left for your game due to any reason, you will face lag and high ping issues. So, make sure you have limited the bandwidth on all other users in the house especially when you are gaming.

Closing Background Applications And Downloads

Adding on to the previous point, any applications that might be leeching your bandwidth are a big no-no when you are playing online. These applications consume the internet in the background without you knowing it and would do so with the maximum bandwidth available. As long as you haven’t implemented any download limits these applications and background downloads will be your biggest nightmare.

Making Sure It Is Not Only You

At times people spend countless budgets upgrading their setup in hopes of having smooth gameplay. However, in most cases, the problem doesn’t lie on their end. In many cases, lag might be due to network problems that are not in your control. And this is the point where you would need the help of that extra hand as mentioned above. If you have done all the things above and still couldn’t solve the problem then you need to read further and bring in the help of the ultimate solution.

Going Advanced

We at WTFast have put in countless hours in trying to come up with a permanent solution for the lag and high ping issues in World of Tanks. And after putting in these hours we came up with the decision that only workaround and computer tweaks won’t get you the desired results.

Having an extra hand is what makes the difference and that’s when WTFast comes into play. WTFast helps you overcome the network issues that don’t come in the jurisdiction of you or your ISP. And that is where most of the problems lie.

Traffic congestion, packet loss long routes are just a few of the problems that lead to lag and high ping in online games. And these tend to vary from game to game. For FPS games, having a low ping is far more important than for an MMO game. For MMO, anything below 100ms is considered pretty good while in FPS games, the recommended ping is below 50ms.

World of Tanks is a bit different. The game isn’t FPS, but it doesn’t fall in the category of any other genre as well. Still, the gaming community considers WOT to be part of the shooting category.

World of Tanks is a UDP game, which tends to perform better for “shooter” style games.  If you have a spotty connection with lots of lag flux, spikes, and packet loss, it is going to make it hard to play a skillful WOT game.  Sure, you can use auto-aim to help deal with lag, but that is probably only going to help you with stationary targets.  If you want to dominate in WOT, you need to manually aim at your targets, and to do that you need a fast, strong connection.

How WTFast Works the Magic

Thankfully WTFast does just that, giving you a smooth connection that dramatically reduces ping flux, spikes, and packet loss.  This is a godsend whenever you want to be able to PWN the newbs that are still using auto-aim.  

The in-game connection tool for WOT is good to give you a general idea of your game connection, but it is tough to see what your connection is like unless you are constantly watching it while you play!  Thankfully WTFast has a great connection meter that shows the before/after effect of using WTFast, in addition to historical data so you can see what WTFast is doing.

Below is a video where famous Youtuber, XYZ is using WTFast to play World of Tanks and the results are amazing.

WTFast makes the difference between a winning and losing move, we are constantly improving our technology to make sure you always come out on top when it matters! And that is why the best thing you can do to improve your game connection in World of Tanks is to try WTFast.


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