Escape from Tarkov Lag - How to Fix

Escape from Tarkov is not your average FPS game. It requires players to develop the mindset of a hunter, being tactical and precise in their movements and decisions. Any mistake could result in losing all your gear and your chance to win. 

In a hardcore game like this, there is no room for issues like lag. However, lag is quite common and gets frequently reported by Escape from Tarkov players. In this article, we'll explore what causes lag in Escape from Tarkov and how to fix it.

What is Escape from Tarkov Lag?

Imagine you are playing a game of Escape from Tarkov. You press the "W" key to move forward, but you notice that the in-game character starts moving about one or two seconds after pressing the key. The term used in the gaming community to describe that delay is lag. 

The thing is, the delay is always there. Getting a zero delay between your inputs and the actions you see on your screen is impossible. That delay is so low in normal gameplay that you barely notice it. When the delay becomes large enough that it is noticeable, it is then called lag. 

Causes of Lag in Escape from Tarkov?

To understand what causes lag, you need to know the types of lag. Firstly, there is the easier-to-fix type, called hardware lag. Hardware lag almost always arises because of an issue with your computer hardware, causing a drop in framerate. For example, if you have an old processor that can't crank out at least 60 FPS, you will experience hardware lag. Turning on V-Sync can also cause a ton of hardware lag. 

The other type of lag is called network lag. As the name suggests, this type of lag arises because of some issues with your network connection. For example, you might be downloading something in the background while playing the game, which will cause a load on the internet bandwidth, resulting in laggy gameplay.

How to Fix Lag in Escape from Tarkov

Get A Wired Connection 

One of the most common causes of lag in Escape from Tarkov is a wireless connection for internet access. If you're playing Escape from Tarkov on a wireless connection, consider switching to a wired connection. 

Wired connections have improved latency and stability. Also, wired connections are more reliable than wireless connections and are less prone to interference and signal loss.

Lower Graphics Settings

You can try lowering your graphics settings, which helps reduce the load on your PC, allowing it to allocate more of its resources toward generating more frames per second. The increase in framerate causes the game to run more smoothly. 

Try lowering each setting and playing around with them until you find a balance between performance and visual quality that works for you. If you want to see some drastic improvements, try lowering the resolution. 

Upgrade Your Hardware

If your PC doesn't meet the minimum system requirements for Escape from Tarkov, the only solution for you might be to upgrade your hardware. Invest in a new graphics card, some more RAM, or maybe a faster CPU, and ensure that your PC meets the game's system requirements.

Close Other Programs

Running too many programs at once can cause your system to slow down, which may result in a lag in Escape from Tarkov. Before launching the game, close any unnecessary programs running in the background, like web browsers, editing software, and any other program you don't need. Discord and TeamSpeak will be fine for the most part.

Update Your Drivers

Outdated or corrupted drivers may cause performance issues and lag in Escape from Tarkov. Also, GPU manufacturers and OS developers release regular updates to improve the performance of their products and remove any bugs or other issues. These updates may significantly boost your framerate while playing Escape from Tarkov. 

Always ensure that drivers for your GPU and OS are up to date. However, sometimes an update can induce lag because of some issue with the new update. If you notice that the game has started lagging right after an update, try reverting to a previous version of the drivers.

Disable Overlays

Similar to background applications, overlays from programs like Discord or Steam can induce unnecessary stress on your computer and eat up essential resources. When that happens, fewer resources are left available for your computer to use for the framerate. 

Try disabling any overlays you have enabled to see if it helps. You can use software like Steam and Discord in the background. Just make sure the overlays are off.

Verify Game Files

Sometimes, game files also get corrupted and cause game crashes and even lag. For that reason, it is best to repair your game files. Verify the integrity of your game files through the game launcher.

Close Background Downloads

If you are downloading a large file in the background or downloading an update for Windows, it can eat a significant chunk of your network bandwidth, leaving little to no network resources available for the game you are trying to play. That may cause lag in Escape From Tarkov, especially if you already have a slow internet connection. 

Make sure no background downloads or uploads are running while you play the game. It includes downloading updates for other games, uploading files to a cloud storage service, or streaming videos while playing.

WTFast - The All-In-One Fix For Lag in Escape from Tarkov

The problem with lag is that there is no single fix you can apply that guarantees the complete elimination of lag. It's even worse for network lag since some network issues are nearly impossible to resolve. For example, there is almost nothing you can do to fix bad routing. 

If you don't want to waste time finding a fix for the lag you are dealing with, you can try WTFast. WTFast is a Gamers' Private Network (GPN) that works by switching your connection on a gaming network. With that, you get a lower ping, lag reduction, and reduced packet loss. For a lag-free gaming experience in Escape from Tarkov, try WTFast today.


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