Dota 2 With Patch 7.33: Changes You Need To Know

Patch 7.33 is probably one of the most massive updates in Dota 2 history, and it's finally here. It's been several hours since the patch officially dropped, and players are flooding in to try it out. Here is our breakdown of patch 7.33, where we have highlighted some of the most significant changes that came with it. 

Major Changes With Patch 7.33

First up, we have a brand new map. According to our experience with it and the overall feedback of the community that experienced it, most of the changes with this new map are positive. Firstly, the map is now bigger. Also, the map now has more places to farm, including several neutral camp locations closer to both Fountains. 

Another significant change with patch 7.33 is that Roshan now has two Pits. Also, he will now drop a Refresher Shard in the North Pit and Scepter in the South Pit. Along with that, a couple of new buildings have been added to the map, including:

  • Twin Gates: Teleporters that teleport players from one edge of the map to the other.

  • Shield Runes: These runes provide a barrier worth 50% of your maximum HP.

  • New Outposts: Two new Outposts got added. Also, the original Outposts got moved from their old positions.

  • Wisdom Runes: These structures offer an XP boost.

  • Defender's Gates: Each base has an additional back entrance, protected by a shielded gate only the defenders can pass through.

  • Lotus Pools: These pools spawn fruits that heal HP and Mana.

  • Tormentors: This building spawns powerful creeps that drop Aghanim's Shards.

  • Watchers: These structures work similarly to Observer Wards and remain active for seven minutes once activated (or until opponents sabotage them).

  • New Creep Camps: A dozen new camps got added to the map.

Besides the map, Dota 2 heroes have also gotten several changes. For instance, Muerta's ultimate ability now provides spell lifesteal and spell amplification. On the other hand, Ogre Magi has now been reclassified as a Strength hero and has gained a new ability called Dumb Luck, which increases Multicast Cast Chance by 1% for every 20 Strength points. Also, Clinkz now summons skeletons on almost every ability. However, Clinkz's Burning Barrage got moved to Aghs shard.

Other changes with patch 7.33 include the New Hero Type, called Universal hero. Currently, there are about 31 heroes in this class. The matchmaking system has also gotten overhauled. The matchmaking system now has Rank Confidence, which is a number that expresses how confident Valve is in the MMR of a player. For the complete list of changes, you can check out the official patch notes

Final Thoughts

Patch 7.33 brought massive changes to the game. From the community feedback, it is clear that players love the new map since it introduced more places to farm and new buildings making the game more balanced. 

Heroes have also undergone significant changes, with some heroes becoming much more powerful. However, only time will tell how these changes affect the game. Check out Dota 2 now, and let us know what you feel about the changes.


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