Best PC Games for Beginners

Once you’ve finally got your first gaming PC, it seems that the hardest part is behind you. Whether you built your system from scratch or opted for a complete build or gaming laptop, you’re finally set up and ready to get gaming.

Then, you open Steam or your favorite game platform, only to realize the sheer number of options are overwhelming. From games based on your favorite TV series like the Walking Dead to first-person shooters like Blizzard Entertainment's hugely popular Overwatch to longtime classics like Final Fantasy, it can be hard to know where to start.

Compared to Macs or consoles like Xbox or Playstation, the number of games available to PC gamers is enormous. Thanks to easier entry barriers, indie developers have a much easier time releasing their creations on PC than to any console. Consoles also change generations and leave old games behind, but PC games can remain playable for much longer.

Today, WTFast’s experts are bringing you the ultimate guide to PC games for those just getting started on this vast and exciting frontier.

We’re talking about the most popular games, genres, and how to use your interests from other areas outside video games to help narrow down where to start.

Getting Started: Knowing Your Goals

If you tried to browse all PC games in existence in alphabetical order, you’d probably never get past B or C. The best way to start to narrow down your search is to figure out what you want from your gaming experience.


We’ll start by asking whether you would enjoy a fast-paced game or a slow-paced game.

Do you enjoy the adrenaline rush and skill challenges of high-intensity, action-packed games? Or do you prefer to relax, take your time making decisions, and explore all the options added to the game in-depth?

Even if you have little-to-no experience with video games, you can use your outside interests to help guide your genre selection.

For example, if you enjoy the adrenaline rush of sports or action films, perhaps the adrenaline rush of action, sports, or racing games will suit your fancy. 

If you enjoy strategy board games or reading in your free time, there’s a wide array of deep, story-driven games and strategy games available on PC for you too.


It’s also important to think about how much time you plan to invest into PC gaming. Will you hop on for 30 minutes at a time every few days, or are you looking for entertainment to take up a few hours at a time every weekend?

Certain genres and games lend themselves to shorter play sessions and more casual pick-up-and-play styles. If this is you, look into action games first.

Other genres typically require more investment, with some games like RPG and adventure titles taking 50-100 hours to complete. Adventure games and simulation/sandbox games are fairly flexible, while RPG and strategy games usually require the deepest commitment.

Competitive or Casual

Consider whether you like to be competitive in your non-gaming interests or whether you prefer casual or cooperative activities.

Multiplayer gameplay offers opportunities for competition and cooperative gameplay. If you’re a competitive type, look for multiplayer action games, strategy games, or elements of MMORPGs. Those same genres feature cooperative multiplayer, too, as do many multiplayer adventure games.

If you’re planning to play one of these online games, be sure you have a fast and stable connection – otherwise, lag might cut your enjoyment short.

The Top Genres

Even when we break down games by category, there are dozens of genres and subgenres to sift through. Here are the most popular:

  • Action

  • Adventure

  • RPG (Roleplaying Game)

  • Strategy

  • Simulation/Sandbox

Let’s look a little more closely at each, as this is the best way to start moving towards playing your first game.


Action is a broad genre that can cover many different areas, from shooter games to side-scrolling fighters, platformers, and arcade games.

The fundamental principle of an action game is to challenge your reflexes and hand-eye coordination. Fast-paced gameplay is a staple as well. These games are usually exciting and challenging, both physically and mentally.

The most popular action games for PC are shooter games like Doom Eternal. Consider a game like Counter-Strike or Rainbow Six Siege if you want something tactical and engaging, or Fortnite if you’re looking for a more arcade-like experience. 

Gameplay isn’t always player vs. player. If you’re interested in action games so far but not sure about your competitive side, there are still plenty of single-player campaign options and collaborative excursions for you. 

Destiny 2 is one of the most popular games in the world today. It’s an action-shooter RPG where you can play with your friends to conquer PVE challenges like raids and dungeons. Just grab your headsets and get going. 

Single-player action games thrive as well, with titles such as the classic Batman: Arkham games.

Platformers and rhythm games don’t get as much content in terms of big-name productions, but there are plenty of high-quality indie gems, some of which are popular and well-loved.

Try the popular party game Ultimate Chicken Horse for some platforming fun or Crypt of the Necrodancer for an indie gem combining rhythm game elements with an arcade adventure foundation.

Sports and racing games also fall under the action category but are less popular on PC than consoles. Still, you can find your favorite sports and racing franchises such as Fifa or Forza for your PC, and they’re still a ton of fun!


Adventure games tend to focus on story and exploration elements more than the fast-paced, physical challenges of action games. However, of all genres, adventure is the most flexible. Most game genres end up with some element of an adventure game.

The most popular adventure games are usually hybrids: action-adventure or adventure RPGs.

One of the best examples is God of War, a story-rich action-adventure RPG that combines the best elements of all three genres into one of the most beautiful, compelling, and action-packed games of the decade – possibly of all time. If you’re a fan of Norse mythology, we recommend this one.

Large open-world concepts are also popular in the adventure genre, especially as technology becomes capable of hosting more and more content. Try a game like Red Dead Redemption 2, Shadows Die Twice, or Horizon Zero Dawn if this appeals to you.

Adventure games often incorporate puzzle elements. Tomb Raider is a classic example of a puzzle game and is still a very popular favorite today. If you enjoy films like the Indiana Jones series, you’ll love these games.

Survival Games, such as Don’t Starve, are another popular way to play adventure games. These games focus on exploration and resource management with a great sense of adventure as you battle against your environment to survive.


Roleplaying games are especially popular amongst the more dedicated gaming crowds who love to put hours and hours into their games.

If you’re looking for quick and casual ways to pick and play, there are some roleplaying games for you, but the best of the genre give back as much as you put in– and they have a lot to give.

There are many highly celebrated RPGs, but the first we have to mention is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Set in an immersive and expensive open world, The Witcher 3 (and its predecessors in the series) are known for an incredibly rich story, excellent character development, and some of the most engaging combat mechanics of any RPG to date.

RPGs aren’t always action-oriented. Tactical RPGs are a popular way to play, with Divinity: Original Sin 2 being one of the best PC titles to try.

Some RPGs are a bit more linear, such as Dark Souls 3, which challenges players with some of the most difficult gameplay in all gaming but rewards them with deep worldbuilding and gorgeous environments.

MMORPGs, or massive multiplayer RPGs, offer ways to connect with others while you roleplay. World of Warcraft and Runescape are two classic examples, with The Elder Scrolls Online being one of the more recent popular titles.


Strategy games are usually slower-paced than the previously mentioned genres, but they offer much deeper choice and tactical gameplay. Those who enjoy strategy board games often transition into strategy video games.

Because of their depth and typically complicated UI, strategy games rarely thrive on consoles, but they truly shine on PCs. Now’s your chance to try them out!

Sid Meyer’s Civilization games are the pinnacle of strategy games. History buffs or board game lovers alike will thrive in one of Civ’s titles, the most recent being Civilization 6.

City-building games like Cities Skylines suit the more creative player, while tactics and action combine in the Total War series.

Simulation & Sandbox

Last but not least, simulation and sandbox games put more control into the player’s hands than any other genre. Creative players or those who crave to explore constant waves of new content will especially enjoy this category.

The first game we have to mention is one of the most popular games of all time: Minecraft. If you haven’t heard of it before, you’ve probably been living under a rock. No judgment here – but it’s high time you try the game out.

Similar sandbox games incorporating exploration, building, simulation, and action include Terraria and top-down games like Stardew Valley.

True to its name, The Sims is one of the most popular simulation games. Sims titles appeal to a wide array of audiences since they offer so many connections to real-life themes.


Once you break down what sorts of goals you have for PC gaming and narrow down your interests to a genre, choosing your first PC games becomes an easy, exciting, and rewarding process.

Once you know what you want to play, you'll know how to tailor your hardware to your gaming experience. This isn't just about your graphics card, your gaming mouse, and your processor. There are tons of ways to help your PC help you.

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What is a Role-Playing Game (RPG)? | Techopedia 

Psychology And Competitive Gaming | Psychology Today

In 2020, I can no longer abide the 100-hour RPG | Polygon


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