Are Wireless Keyboards Good for Gaming vs Wired?

Gaming technology and wires go hand-in-hand. 

Over time, your setup can become cluttered with length after length of cord. Your monitor, computer, mouse and keyboard, microphone, headset and more can all take an outlet. If you add a console and peripherals into the mix, the complexity is increased immensely. 

Wireless keyboards mean one less cord for you to worry about. These also have a variety of other benefits, which we’ll be highlighting shortly. 

The question is, though: Are wireless keyboards any good for gaming? The answer is a complex one, but WTFast is here to sift through the facts and present the answer. 

WTFast, on a normal basis, offers both gaming coverage and route optimizers to reduce lag. We offer gamers ways to improve their setups in every aspect. Today, we turn that eye for style and performance to different keyboards in the battle of wired vs wireless.

How Do Wireless Keyboards Work?

Wireless keyboards use one of two methods to connect to your PC or gaming device. The first and most popular overall is Bluetooth. 

Bluetooth was invented in the late 90s as a way to connect devices without needing to use wires. In the present day, more devices are compatible with Bluetooth to various degrees than ever before. 

Bluetooth uses infrared signals to connect devices, but this isn’t the only method used to connect wireless devices. Radio frequencies are also used to connect devices. 

Bluetooth and radio frequencies both have evolved independently. For example, the present version of Bluetooth is 5.0. 

Bluetooth systems can be easily paired to share various types of data and is especially common in audio connections. Radio frequencies require specific wireless connectors to the receiving device, and they are especially common for computer mice

The reason for radio frequency superiority in regard to mice is simple: They transmit data with lower latency. This means better input response and more authentically represented audio. The latency difference isn’t so exceptional as to make Bluetooth unviable but is enough to merit consideration. 

All devices — Bluetooth or radio — require both a transmitter to send data and a receiver to interpret it. For headsets, keyboards, and many other devices, the former device exists on board. The latter usually takes the form of a USB dongle to operate as a connector for radio frequency devices. 

What Are the Benefits of Wireless Keyboards?

The most obvious benefit of a wireless keyboard is that you get to do away with the wires. This not only simplifies your setup, but it has other implicit benefits as well. 

With a wireless keyboard, you can play anywhere within range of your gaming device. Your desktop PC doesn’t have to be a desktop gaming setup. You can play on the other side of your room as your PC, in bed, on the couch, or anywhere. 

You don’t just have to move your keyboard across your home to enjoy its benefits. All wired keyboards have a limited range, whereas going wireless lets you find the perfect desk placement. 

Wireless keyboards also have the potential for great compatibility. Depending on the keyboard, you may be able to use the same device with your PC, tablet, and phone. This is a sort of versatility that wired keyboards can’t provide. 

Even when they are compatible, the shifting of wires is a more involved task than the “click” of a wireless connection.

Another benefit is its price point. Wireless keyboards are more inexpensive to produce than their analog counterparts. For this reason, a wireless keyboard can be more inexpensive than a wired one. 

Wireless keyboards are also increasingly useful the more devices you have in your setup. Only a limited number of USB-C ports exist in a computer. Factor in chargers for non-keyboard wireless devices, and you have a mess. A wireless keyboard is one fewer objects taking a port in your PC, thanks to its lifespan. 

The last benefit relates to all of these, in a way: aesthetics. Wireless keyboards let you bring sleek minimalism into your space. There are no wires and no clutter that needs to be dealt with. Your wireless connection allows you to reduce your build to its most essential elements.

What Are the Drawbacks of Wireless Keyboards?

There’s a lot to be excited about when it comes to wireless keyboards. Unfortunately, few technologies are perfect. 

The first and most obvious weakness of wireless keyboards is their battery life. Use a keyboard enough, and you’ll turn it into a plastic brick until you can charge it again. This has to be done regularly, right? After all, phones don’t last very long. 

Actually, this drawback is a misconception. Keyboards don’t demand much in the way of power. Because of this, the batteries in a keyboard can last for months at a time. For optimal results, use rechargeable batteries if your keyboard requires discrete batteries. 

On to the actual issues with wireless keyboards: They are going to increase your latency. There’s never going to be a way to totally eliminate latency in any regard. At best, we can create the impression of “instantaneous” connections. The fact remains that wired connections are faster, and wireless connections have a higher degree of latency. 

The difference isn’t that much for casual gamers or at least non-competitive ones. We are looking at a difference of a few ms, if that. This can still be enough for an online difference against another human.

We’d like to repeat the fact that radio frequency keyboards are subtly more effective than Bluetooth ones. If you’re unsure what connection a given wireless keyboard uses, remember that radio frequency keyboards require USB dongles as receivers.

The last issue is one of connections: If you are in an area with an extremely high number of electrical or radio signals, wireless data may be jumbled. This can result in lost data packets, higher latency, and other issues.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to test out exactly how your wireless systems will work without simply trying them out. 

How Do You Know If a Wireless Keyboard Is Right For You?

Choosing between wired and wireless keyboards is not the most important choice when it comes to your gaming setup. At least, not when it comes from a performance perspective. 

Your router and internet connection, background applications, and other details have a far bigger impact on your latency. 

If you want to ensure the absolute best online experience, then the choice is a wired keyboard. This eliminates the latency that wireless keyboards have, and offers classic responsiveness. 

If you are going for a mobile gaming mouse and keyboard setup, however, we recommend a wireless keyboard — specifically, a Bluetooth wireless keyboard. 

On mobile devices, your port space is going to be limited (even with adaptors). Make the most of that space by reducing the need to connect a keyboard to your device’s ports. 

If you are gaming on one specific home device and don’t mind a slight tick of latency, we recommend wireless keyboards. These offer a great gaming experience and let you create your desktop setup as you like it. Specifically, we suggest radio frequency keyboards in a bid to eliminate as much latency as possible. 

On the other hand, Bluetooth is the way to go if you want to switch from a PC to various smart devices. You don’t have to move the dongle around, and pairing is a quick and easy process. This way, one high-quality wireless keyboard can be used with your tablet, smart TV, and more. 

Wireless keyboards are awesome for gaming in some respects, but their benefits should be understood. They offer comfort and convenience, but not improved performance. There may not be enough of a benefit to them to merit upgrading from a wired keyboard. 

Still, gamers can enjoy an improved home setup by integrating a wireless controller into their system.

Upgrade Your Gaming Experience 

The debate between wireless and wired connections has many factors. Performance, convenience, and aesthetics all come into play. The low-single-digit ms latency is a non-issue for all but the most serious gamers. For everyone else, balancing your personal preferences is more essential than anything else. 

WTFast isn’t just here to examine the quality of individual gaming accessories. If something can impact your gaming experience, we cover it. This includes comparisons of graphics cards and CPUs from top brands like AMD, Intel, Nvidia, and more. It also includes guides on how to eliminate ping from your system and make your online gaming experience streamlined.

For now, we are focusing on the immediate physical reality of gaming. We are doing a deep dive into the aesthetics of your monitor, computer, and accessories, and how they impact gaming. Your keyboard is, after all, just one of many items.

If you’ve enjoyed looking at the differences between wired and wireless keyboards, we suggest you check out builds in general. Read on to find the best gaming setups internationally to help you upgrade your style in 2022.


Bluetooth: Who Invented It and How Does It Work? | Live Science

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